Father’s Day Email Campaign Summary

Katharine Ruoxi
2 min readJul 10, 2018


I would agree that Fathers’ Day is a good time for an email campaign, especially when we scratch our head and try to figure out what could be an excellent gift. After so many years, after so many toolboxes, what else can we send to a father.

Rather than using “father,” most emails I got used the word “dad,” which make us closer. If I do call my dad “father,” he may think either my souls was replaced by some ancient royal kid or some cruel thing like Skywalker is dying.

There are some excellent subject lines such as “Dads Love There Courses.” They get my attention since honestly I was not ready for the father’s day gift.

I was excited and curious to see what are the favorite courses among dads. My guesses were craft, engineering or anything hands-on. However, to my surprise, they were saying machine learning and data science. Moreover, the case/images they are showing kind of make sense, those are the father with little kids, so the kids may think about their father as a geek, who loves coding and data. However, are those little kids going to buy the courses? They may not even have money for their toys.

This campaign may get more conversion or momentum with the same theme but better content. Based on the courses they provide, they may have many customers who are college students or people in their early (or not early) career, and this is a purely wild guess. However, at least people at this stage could afford a course as a father’s day gift. So their father would be 40–60 years old, most likely.

At least, there are two ways we could do it better:

1. Make the connection

Introduce some topics that can be connected to their father, like senior health, or retirement financial related courses.

2. Make it fun

Introduce some items that are funny, make some jokes, such as aesthetics courses “Mom won’t complain about your taste anymore.” or biology “Let’s explore our DNA and ancestors”.

Let’s see how the father’s day email campaign goes next year.

